Grower: Gayo Arabika Mahkota Indonesia (GARMINDO) | 548 members
Altitude: 1200 – 1500 MASL
Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor, Lini, Tim Tim, and Typica
Soil: Volcanic loam
Region: Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh District, Sumatra, Indonesia
Process: Wet hulled and dried in the sun
Harvest: March -July | October- January
Certification: Fairtrade®
The GARMINDOcooperative has more than 500 members with farms that average less than 3 acres in size. Producers belong to the Gayonese ethnic group and maintain a traditional village lifestyle. A large percentage of the producers are women who rely on coffee income to support their families. Each producer carefully sorts their harvested cherries before depulping and fermenting overnight with personal micro-mills. Then the coffee is washed and laid out on patios to shed the excess water from the parchment covered beans. Next the coffee takes a detour from the conventional path of processing in other origins, wherein, the coffee parchment is removed while the coffee still has a high moisture content. This wet-hulling process, called Giling Basah in the Indonesian language, leaves the coffee bean exposed while drying on patios to a moisture percentage acceptable for export. This Indonesian processing method gives the bean its unique bluish hue and the hallmark Indonesian profile. With Indonesian coffees, half the battle is overcoming logistical challenges like rugged roads and unpredictable torrents of rain. Garmindo takes on an important role of organizing local warehouses and transportation so farmers can overcome these challenges. Garmindo also collaborates with PT. Sumatera Arabika Gayo (SAG), which operates its own dry-mill in Aceh to swiftly bring the coffee to the international market, ensuring greater earnings for producers.